Sunday, January 22, 2017

Inaguration Media Evaluation- The Women's March

For this assignment I analyzed coverage on The Women’s March from media outlets NBC, FOX, and Breibart News.

NBC’s coverage of the event was the most descriptive and informative. It also conveyed the most diversity in opinion in regard to reporting on the reasons people attended the event. Overall, it had a positive spin on the March, with the headline, “Peace, Positivity as marchers make their voices heard in D.C.” NBC dedicated a significant portion of the article to the numbers of marchers involved in the D.C. event as well as the many others across the country and world. The article also discussed some of the reasons why protesters had attended in the many quotes given by socially conservative and liberal women interviewed in the story.

FOX’s coverage of the event was very sparse and lacked depth. The article seemed to focus more on the reporter than the individuals attending the march. The headline for this article was “Inclusion and Compassion; Watters visits the Women’s March in Washington.” It began with the reporter’s personal experience of finding out that his mother and sister were attending the march which presumably piqued his interest in reporting on it. The article did not mention the size or the scope of the event but included a tongue-in-cheek reference to “nasty women” and the fact that someone swore at the reporter during his visit in D.C.

The article from Breibart News provided the most biased and uninformative coverage. The headline from this story read “Anti-Trump Marchers, mostly white women who need therapy after Clinton loss.” This article did not discuss much background information, and did not have any actual coverage from the event itself. This story was more an opinion piece on the “types” of women involved in the event, and the views of the author regarding the reasons why people had chosen to participate.

All of the articles included quotes from women attending the event, although the Breibart article’s quote was pulled from a Twitter feed instead of an on-site interview. All three stories also mentioned, in one way or another, the reason why participants were protesting. 

Below are photos I took from the Women's March on Austin 

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